Attention Collection

Is there a sane way to use the internet?

This PJ Vogt podcast with Ezra Klein makes me want to read Jenny O’Dell’s books again. How To Do Nothing and her other, newer one.

“Is there a sane way to use the internet?”…

This new blog thing where I’m gathering bits of my attention is one way I’m trying to find the answer to that question.

This deeply reminds me of the book Becasue Internet. And I really enjoyed the mental image of explaining to a judge what YOLO means πŸ˜‚

Telling the stories of solutions and change

I just learned a bit about solutions journalism:

“The Solutions Journalism Network is leading a global shift in journalism, focused on what the news misses most often: how people are trying to solve problems and what we can learn from their successes or failures.”

The UNWTO has developed a Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism. To skim through later. Is it being used yet, in practice? Are there case studies?…

Finished reading: The Anomaly: A Novel by HervΓ© Le Tellier πŸ“š

A fun, disturbing, existential-philosophy-thriller novel about what happens when you meet yourself and what the world really, like is.

β€œAnd at the very heart of this fire that has always consumed America, with this war waged by darkness over enlightenment, a war in which reason gradually backs down in the face of ignorance and the irrational, Jacob Evans puts on the dark breastplate of his own primitive and uncompromising hopes. Religion is a carnivorous fish in the abyssal depths. It emits the feeblest of light and needs a vast darkness around it to attract its prey.”

Attention Collection

Hello, if you’ve just stumbled across this blog. πŸ‘‹πŸ» This is where I keep things that have held my attention. I’m a composer, podcast producer, writer, avid reader, web enthusiast, sci-fi fan, climate crisis try-and-solver, bookshop co-owner, and guy living in a remote place. I’ve got a lot of overlapping interests and will likely add fragments about a lot of them. This is my attention collection.

Media literacy

On the Media has published a media literacy guide to the Israel/Gaza conflict. They have guides to lots of other types of stories too.

Breaking News Consumer’s Handbook…